LaravelDaily/LaravelAssetStockManagement repository Issues Antenna

Is Laravel a secure framework Lavalite

The asset function generates a URL for an asset using the current scheme of the request (HTTP or HTTPS):

Laravel File Storage

๐Ÿ“Œ This setting ensures that all generated URLs by Laravel are HTTPS. SSL Certificate Installation Installing an SSL certificate in Laravel typically involves server-level configuration. For instance, if you're using Apache, you would configure your .htaccess file:

Laravel Asset Stock Management Open Source Agenda

The secure_asset function will return a URI composed of the application's URI and the given $path.It internally makes a call to the asset helper function and always.

Introduction to Laravel TCO Blog

The Laravel manual has not been of much help here except that I saw it mentioned an ASSET_URL parameter for the .env file so I tried specifying the leading part of the path there but nothing I've tried works; I inevitably get a 404 error.

Laravel 7.16 ร‡ฤฑktฤฑ KARABAY YAZILIM

For those who need to keep js/css out of public folder for whatever reasons, in modern Laravel you can use sub-views. Say your views structure is. in views-js.blade.php files wrap your js code in